Some problem solving programming challenges, i have solved. Not all are here, but started adding them slowly.
This project is maintained by chankruze
The company you are working for is refactoring its entire codebase. It’s changing all naming conventions from camel to snake case (camelCasing to snake_casing).
Every capital letter is replaced with its lowercase prefixed by an underscore _, except for the first letter, which is lowercased without the underscore, so that SomeName becomes some_name.
Write a program that takes in a string that has camel casing, and outputs the same string but with snake casing.
A string with camelCasing.
The same string but with snake_casing.
The capital C was lowercased and prefixed by an underscore.
Language | Solution |
C | not available |
CPP | not available |
C# | not available |
Python | available |
Java | not available |
Ruby | not available |
Swift | not available |