Some problem solving programming challenges, i have solved. Not all are here, but started adding them slowly.
This project is maintained by chankruze
You are playing poker with your friends and need to evaluate your hand.
A hand consists of five cards and is ranked, from lowest to highest, in the following way:
Output the rank of the give poker hand.
A string, representing five cards, each indicating the value and suite of the card, separated by spaces. Possible card values are: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A Suites: H (Hearts), D (Diamonds), C (Clubs), S (Spades) For example, JD indicates Jack of Diamonds.
A string, indicating the rank of the hand (in the format of the above description).
Two Pairs
The hand includes two Jacks and two 2s, resulting in Two Pairs.
Language | Solution |
C | not available |
CPP | not available |
C# | not available |
Python | available |
Java | not available |
Ruby | not available |
Swift | not available |